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This kind of post AND the replies it has generated belong either on the
deadlands-ot list, or sent to direct email.
Allan 'Deputy' Seyberth
To subscribe to the Pinnacle listservs:
Send to: esquire@gamerz.net
With the body of any/all of the following:
subscribe deadlands
subscribe deadlands-ot
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To get the digest version of any list, just add -digest to the end of the
command above. (For example: subscribe hoe-digest)
To unsubscribe to any of the previous lists, just replace the command
"subscribe <list>" with the command "unsubscribe <list>".
DL, HoE and BNW archives can be found at:
Pinnacle Entertainment Group:
Searchable DL and HoE archives can be found at:
Accumulated Rulings on the Web:
Accumulated Rulings in file format:
James Cook's Character generator software:
The listserv rules:
1) No attachments of any kind.
2) Treat each other with courtesy. Respect other's right to have a
differing opinion, if not necessarily the opinion itself - ie no
flames. Discussions and debates are okay, but take flames to direct email.
3) No vulgarity or foul language on the regular lists.
The listserv courtesies: (Like the rules, only less likely to get someone
bounced off of the listserv)
1) HTML formatting: No html formatted text. This is closer to an actual
rule but because Bloatlook and Bloatlook express defaults to html or rtf
text, I give folks some slack.
2) Subject lines: Keep subject lines on subject. Topic drift will occur,
but take a moment to check the subject line before hitting send on your
reply. This includes putting in a <Spoiler> warning, putting an OT tag in,
adding in the names of folks that you really want your post to be noticed
by, and removing the names of those same folks once topic drift has occurred.
3) Off topic conversations: OT threads that have gone on for "too long"
should also be taken off of the list. There are no hard and fast rules for
what "too long" is, but one guideline is if the thread is now a direct
conversation between just two people. Another warning sign would be if the
thread has gotten to be circular with everyone just repeating the same thing.
4) Spoiler warnings: When discussing things that could ruin a Marshal's
surprise for a player (generally items in the Marshal's section of
published books, or almost anything from an adventure) put either put a
Spoiler tag in the subject line or a spoiler warning with a few lines of
space in the text. About five or six blank lines are sufficient - just
enough space to be a visual break for folks reading.
5) Replying: When replying to a message it is not usually necessary or
desired to copy the whole message and send it again. Remove those messages
and signature lines that are automatically added by the listserv itself and
various free email services.
6) There IS no courtesy number . . . ah let's skip it.
7) Signature lines: Be reasonable. I'm breaking this one myself - but
only under the moderator account and only to provide the basic set of
guidelines for the listserv.
Special moderator account stuff:
I post to the listserv under two accounts - my normal one and the moderator
one. My normal postings are as darious@darious.com and are no different
from anyone else's postings. When I post or send something as
moderator@darious.com (notably different because of this huge signature
file) it is to be considered official listserv business. If you have a
difficulty with how I am doing in my job as moderator, you can always
contact the listserv owner AB at afterburner@erols.com.