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RE: [DL] Charting Survival vs. Fate Chips

Title: RE: [DL] Charting Survival vs. Fate Chips

<Marshals carrying Fate Chips over between sessions>

Don't know if there is anywhere in the rules that says not to, but I make sure that I keep a hold of mine; 2 Blues, 2 Reds and 3 Whites at the moment :)

> Joel Ashman summarised
>My point:  Players don't have as much fun if their characters are dying, or
>aren't advancing.   Remember, you can always give bounty points instead of
>chips.  Maybe work out a balance of both, so that characters have chips in
>hand when the baddies approach, and have points for a new skill at the end
>of the day.

Yep, I agree with this, players enjoy games more if they enjoy their character and the setting - often this determines what we play rather than the game mechanics.  Killing off PC's regularly, stops them from getting a feel for their character and the game, deaths in our game can most often be attributed to moments of incredible stupidity, or on rare occasions, bum dice rolling.

I tend to give out bounty only and let the posse use their fate chips to soak damage, although they can trade their chips for bounty if they wish.  I keep a note and add up all the bounty and give them it after the adventure rather than during it - maybe not the way the book says - but it works for me.

Also no one ever has more than 10 fate chips.


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