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Re: [DL] Webrings
Oh, I thought we still had Ann on here. I'll ask her.
As for the rest of you, unless someone stands up and insists on
hosting/building it, I will take the project on (heck, I've only got three
or fifty other things juggled right now).
Anyone who can suggest a good site to build a webring from, please feel
Also, anyone with graphic designing skills who wants to work on a logo
concept, please email me privately.
Again, if someone else feels slighted by me taking this on, please let me
know and I shall bow out. Otherwise, we could end up waiting a month
without getting anything started.
Oh, and I guess I'll throw the doors open to suggestions from anyone with a
nifty idea what to call it (now that two really good ones have already been
taken)? I'm thinking the Webring With No Name, and surely you can do better
than that!
Cheers, all.
Ross Coburn