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Re: [DL] Mad Scientists
let me say mad scientist are my favorite class. as to constructions time in session, have him work on it at night or during travel like natawatha said. my MS designed both his blueprint that way, and they were for small things. for bigger thing though yes work on it inbetween session. also natwatha i right again about the new table. while i find it more deadly do to a clockwork grenade and a gremlin in it challenging me. but yes the maddies should not go mental as fast. hope that help to some degree.
Natawatha@aol.com wrote:
> Subj: Re: [DL] Mad Scientists
> Date: 1/18/01 7:49:24 PM Eastern Standard Time
> From: Natawatha
> To: deadlan@gamerz.net
> First off I would like to say that I think Mad Scientists are one of the essential ingredients for a good Deadlands game. Without them the game loses a lot of that steampunk flavor. Let me follow that by saying that I have only ever seen one role-played to my satisfaction, but that has more to do with me thinking that MS's should be able to think on their feet quickly than any game play problem. The only advice I can give as far as running one is play it by ear. They won't go crazy as fast using the new rules from Smith and Robards, in fact it's down right rare for the get a dementia using the tables from that book. Cut the MS some slack on construction time for a device that he/she has a really good idea about and would be helpful really soon, especially if it's really just a modification or amalgamation of existing tech. Otherwise for major projects, let them work on it while traveling if they have a portable lab (and what MS would be caught dead without one). Limit !
> th!
> em to two blueprint rolls per se
> ssion. But the most important thing you can do is limit the Dinero edge, it's a killer.
> Hope that helps,
> Marshall James McCoy
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