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Re: [DL] Re: deadlands-digest.20010116
Jeffery Yates wrote:
> Any of your posse of artists feel OK about having their work posted, so the
> rest of us can use it? Or maybe taking requests? (My gunslinger wears...
> and carries... and would look cool if...)
Make a Request and I'll run it buy them and see what they think... Eventually
I'll throw that work up onto some webspace, right now it's all print quality
stuff and wouldn't work too well on the web. E-mail me off list and I'll see
what I can do about sending you one as an attachment later.
> There are several list members with websites, and I plan on getting my act
> together sometime this millenia and having a site too. So webspace
> shouldn't be problem.
> And out of curiosity, how much did Kinkos charge?
$1.74 gets you a color copy on a sheet of gloss card (At least around here any
ways). Using the standard pinnacle layout, you get 16 cc's per page. You have
to cut them out yourself, but they work great. Warning, making your own CC's
can become habit forming and time killing.
> Jeff Y.
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: owner-deadlands@gamerz.net [mailto:owner-deadlands@gamerz.net]On
> > Behalf Of Dirk
> > Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2001 12:15 AM
> > To: deadlands@gamerz.net
> > Subject: Re: [DL] Re: deadlands-digest.20010116
> >
> >
> > I like using the cardstock cowboys myself. In fact, some of my
> > players are quite the talented artists, so we had them draw up
> > quick sketches of each of the PC's. I then colored them in
> > Photoshop (came out quite good) and printed them at kinkos on
> > glossy cardstock.
> >