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RE: [DL] deck shuffling and demoing
1) it is my understanding that a huckster shuffle his deck after
hex. is this right?
2) do you shuffle a combat deck after combat is over or between
Whenever a player draws the black joker,you reshuffle at the end of
that round.
now about demoing. just let me state i have never marshalled. so
are the questions.
1) should i even demo a game wirth no experience?
You should IMHO playtest the system before, esp. the combat rules.
2) what character classes should i use in the demo? i was going to
only the core rule books and hexarcana for the demo with the rest of
book as reference. the type i was thinking of where basic gunslinger
bounty hunter, blessed, huckster, mad scientist, indian brave,
Seems enough to me, but you might want to add or remove some of
those depending on the adventure you pick.
3) what adventure should i run. i was thinking of skinners the dime
novel but i have heard that the one from the marshal screen is good
so any recomendations.
This harrowed ground is quite popular. My first weird west yarn was
Perdition's daughter.
What I'd like to run for an alternate intro adventure to the game is
a indian-centered yarn. Too bad Ghost Dancers wasn't a boxed set with a
couple adventures and a map of the tribes locations.