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Re: [DL] deadlands pbem?
> I've always been keen to get involved in a Play By Email (or by post) but
> I've never been able to get involved in one that lasts. Are there any
> deadlands pbem's going on, or are there people interested in running one?
Well, the poster known as Marshal Gallegos did start one up way back when
(four months ago or so), but he seems to have dropped off the face of the
planet in the meantime.
Has anyone heard anything about another PBEM? I for one would be interested
in joining as well; I'm looking for new ways to procrastinate... After all,
there's only so much I can write for our campaign without swamping my poor
Marshal with often sketchily-constructed prose... ;-)
You're not the Antichrist. You're just a malcontent who can spell.
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