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RE: [DL] The Big News

> -----Original Message-----
> From: B.D. Flory [mailto:bflory@frontiernet.net]
> Subject: Re: [DL] The Big News
> | As an educated guess - I imagine that Shane may have blown 
> | reprint of the Marshal's book.
> *Especially* the Marshal's book, as core rule books are 
> generally "loss leaders".  That is to say, the publisher 
> turns little to no profit on the core book, but it acts 
However in the case of reprints, haven't all the costs *already* been paid
so any income from them in excess of printing costs (assuming you have the
money to pay the printers in the first place) is "free & clear" (to quote an
annoying series of TV phone commercials)?

Jim H. "and no, it's not free and it's not all that clear"