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Re: [DL] Pinnacle news
I -promised- myself I would read ALL the messages
before I knee-jerk reacted to the announcement, but
here I am, and I'm ready to throw the BIGGEST party
this weekend!!! Seriously, if you all have any chance
of showing up I'd invite you!!
Shane, thanks for all the clarification and the
request. Rest assured, my friend, the paycheck comes
in today and the minute I can get at that on-line
store it'll be shopping time!
I know it'll be rough for you for weeks getting
everything back in order, but thank you so much for
hanging in there and keeping true to your vision (and
other such new-age nonsense phrases).
I think it goes without saying that you have my
support, my respect, and my wallet.
Marguerite of EMGB, otherwise known as Maggie Jensen
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