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Re: [DL] Beyond Grit???
On Wed, 10 Jan 2001 22:21:26 +0900 "Douglas W. Moore"
<dwm@a-net.email.ne.jp> writes:
> I have been playing my Deadlands rule system fantasy campaign for a
> while and came up with a concept i think would go great in deadlands,
> especially for those really experienced heroes.
> Once a player has reached five grit they have an option. They can
> trade in all five points of grit for a point of HEROISM
I think this idea is cool. The bonuses seem a little high, but that
might just give the REAL heroes more incentive to go after the really big
game. Also, this means that the players aren't always gonna know what a
baddie can take in combat.
Of course, in HoE, there are folks who could spend a loooong time
building up Villainy points...
From Whom It May Concern,
Rich Ranallo
"Long live the legend, it'll outlive us"
-Violent Femmes, "Death Drugs"
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