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Re: [DL] A Splash of Cold Water
In a message dated 1/7/2001 1:09:58 PM Eastern Standard Time,
Seanchai@compuserve.com writes:
And you can't do that until Shane says why he
was compelled to sale the company.
I've been asked not to say much, but suffice it to say that it was a rough
summer for Pinnacle. I took over a very unhealthy company in November of '98.
We did well in our regular products and not so well in some of the new stuff
we did, and were undercapitalized to experiment and wait for things to catch
At that point I had several offers to buy PEG. My other choice was to reduce
staff down to about 4 of us and rebuild for a year. I made the choice that
seemed most likely to keep our staff intact (the best staff we've *ever* had)
and keep the product lines intact. That hasn't worked out. Cybergames and I
are still working out the difficulties.
Thanks so much for the kind words and private emails from everyone. They're
much appreciated. I especially appreciate those of you who have said kind
things about me and the rest of the staff here. These things are *far* more
important than you'll ever know. I know many of you are here simply for
Deadlands, as it should be, but it's nice to know that the personal touch we
like to put in our work has been appreciated. I especially want to thank
Mark, Graveyard, Kerry, Todd, Rich, Steve, Chris, John G., Dave W., Dirk, and
Allen. I'm sure I'm forgetting a few, and for that I apologize. Thanks for
your public and private words of support.
I will quietly fade back into the woodwork for a while until I have something
of substance to report.
Love you all,