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Re: [DL] Statement

 >What Cybergames.com
 >wants to see from Pinnacle is a steady schedule of profitable
 >products, and that's what we're working towards.

Don't you mean what you want to see from Shane, not Pinnacle, as there is 
nobody else left at Pinnacle?

 > In order to get to
 >that point, we have to deal with the current situations that exist in
 >every aspect of the business.

Why don't you skip the platitudes and doublespeak and just come out and 
state what you've been implying - your attitude of shouldering the "Great 
White Burden" and saving PEG from it's own "ineptitude"?

Me? I'm not buying it.  And I find it fairly insulting that you are taking 
that attitude - that you are acting the holier then thou hero in this, when 
the litany of what you've done TO Pinnacle is far longer then what you have 
done FOR them.

 >Right now we are taking the actions we deem appropriate with respect
 >to the business and the product lines. These actions are taken with
 >full knowledge of the facts of the business and the product lines.

Knowledge as you see it.  Knowledge coming from a company that spent a year 
without producing anything, and yet you now claim to have the ultimate 
knowledge of how "things are done."

 > No
 >one outside of the company has that full knowledge, and not everyone
 >inside the company is privy to financial information about our
 >companies. Therefore the reasons behind the decisions being made can
 >only be addressed in general terms, if at all. It's certainly
 >difficult to understand why decisions are made without all of the
 >facts, and of course details of our business operations are (of
 >necessity) confidential.

"I hold in my hand the names of 57 card-carrying Communists"
                                         Sen. Joe McCarthy.

You notice that he never released the names of those communists.

 >So speculation is a natural result, and
 >equally naturally most of the speculation will be wrong to a greater
 >or lesser degree, since it's based on very incomplete information.

So. . . either we are all idiots, or we haven't actually seen what is 
happening to Pinnacle?

 >All of that, though, is really secondary to the purpose of this list.
 >This list is for fans of Deadlands, and therefore what's really
 >important is not speculation about the process of producing Deadlands
 >products, but the Deadlands products themselves. As products are
 >released we want to hear what you think of them, so we can continue
 >to improve the products in the future. Collegium was just released,
 >so we'd hope to get some feedback about what you think of the
 >product. When Waste Warriors comes out soon, we'd like to hear
 >comments about that.

Would that be the royal "we" being used?  You do seem to be handing out 
decrees here.

 >I'll be gone for the next few days, so I won't be reviewing or
 >responding to this list for some time.

How convenient.

Allan Seyberth
Deadlands fan site - http://www.darious.com/

Bite the wax tadpole.
                 -Coca-Cola name as originally translated into Chinese
                  (later changed to "May the mouth rejoice").