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[DL] Re: [HOE] Long time lurker sharing position
--- "twilight@vbe.com" <twilight@vbe.com> wrote:
> A lot of list members are blaming cybergames.com for
> the current malaise
> (book delays, etc.), unfortunately, I can't really
> blame this company.
> If it is anyone we ought to be angry at, it's
> Pinnacle Entertainment
> Group for selling out.
I've been on this list since HOE first came out. And
DL long before that. I've made some pretty good
friends both at Pinnacle and with others on the list.
I think I can say with some confidence that this post
is so far off base that I'm actually getting angry
reading it. I think John and Dave have responded much
nicer than I would have, so I'll table what I really
would love to say and say this instead:
Bottom line: Shane is a good guy and one who has been
forthright, honest, and bluntly decent to you and
everyone else on this list since day one. And to call
him a sellout is nothing more than an insult and an
embarassment to yourself.
From the beginning, PEG's webpage has always carried
free errata, adventures, new rules, ideas, whatever.
And they updated it regularly, as much as they humanly
could. Shane and John Goff and John Hopler, and other
writers of the DL universe like Steve Long and
Christopher McGlothlin have been encouraged to post
errata on this listserv, answer questions, and
generally make this list feel like a home.
And they have. For years. For free. And don't give me
the cost of doing business crap, because Wizards and
some of the other big names out there don't do it like
PEG has. And with a small company like Pinnacle, every
moment spent on the list or on the website is a moment
not working on a book that needs to go out the door.
Shane and Co. have been open about every decision
within human reason, even at the risk of looking bad.
Which has happened. Sometimes it was their goof, and
they owned up to it, sometimes it wasn't but they
never pointed a single finger in blame. Shane took it
and went on.
So, yeah, when you say PEG sold out, I think you
should understand why some of us are upset. I'm upset
that we've lost some of the best writers and designers
housed under one roof. Period. And more than that,
they are good, decent people. They love Deadlands and
want to give you their best and keeping DL alive
meant being where we are now.
We've lost some damn good people. Goff, who is one of
the most straightforward, generous guys I've ever
known. Hopler, who is a fantastic writer and a very
talented designer in hiw own right (look at Last
Crusade sometime). Lee Bansen, apparently, which
really hits hard, not only because he is a good friend
of mine, but he is the one of the best businessman
I've seen in this industry BAR NONE. Hell, the list
goes on.
But, Shane. Shane is no "sell out" and neither is
Pinnacle. Shane's taken on more than any of us know
just to make sure that this train keeps running. But
you can't get blood from a stone. So, we cope.
But to call PEG sellouts. uh-uh. I think everybody
here that still stands by Shane ESPECIALLY in this
time in the company's life better make your damn
voices known.
I want to see people stand up for Shane here. If
you'll stand by Shane and PEG, make some noise. Even
if you've lurked for days or months or years, I want
to see your posts. Shane's done right by us, so do
right by him.
Shane, as long as your name is associated with
Deadlands, HOE, Lost Colony, whatever, I will buy the
books, minis, etc. Period.
Mark Metzner
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