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Re: [DL] Rant!

 >Actually, there have been some product releases in the last few
 >months... Fields of Honor and Collegium most recently. Waste Warriors
 >is coming out in the next couple of weeks.

Counter-point.  Fields of Honor was out at GenCon - five months ago - and 
before CG picked up Pinnacle.

Allan Seyberth
Deadlands fan site - http://www.darious.com/

The morning meal was served in traditional socialist fashion - very slowly, 
with the courses out of order so that the jelly arrived half an hour after 
the toast and the coffee didn't come until we'd called for the check. 
However, it was hard to be angry at a place that had ice cream, beer, and 
cigarettes on its breakfast menu.
                 -P.J. O'Rourke