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Re: [DL] poisons and toxins.

In a message dated 12/7/00 9:47:15 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
marshalron@hotmail.com writes:

<< I need a good guide to poisons.  Either RPG based or real world.  If 
 has any recomendations or ideas about what books I might look for it would 
 be very welcome. >>

    Your best bet for gaming, far and away, is *DEADLY DOSES: A Writer's 
Guide To Poisons,* by Sarita Stevens.  Not only is it well organized, easy to 
understand, and informative, it has a bunch of handy appendices organizing 
poisons by various categories (methods of administration, symptoms, etc.). 
Thus, if you need for your game a poison that turns people blue, you can 
check the appendix under "Symptoms -- Skin Coloration -- Blue" to find just 
the thing. }:)

Steve Long