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[DL] RE: D&D Nostalgia

Yes, it's kinda like all those old songs you heard onthe radio over and over
when you were growing up. They may not have been too good, but the memories
associated with them live on whenever you hear them. D&D is like that for
me(Having been playing is for 20 years give or take)

D&D(the older versions) are good roleplaying systems taht let he action be
fast and furious. Deadlands does tend to drag a lot in combat(lots of rolls)
My current group usually spends one night going through days of game time
leading up to the fight and then the next session wholly consists of the
party duking it out for 30 seconds.


Sort of a nostalgia thing.  and most of my old group were (still are) Jim's
generation.  : )  my father's generation.  that's what they started with,
it's what they understood best, so that's what we played.  Sides, I sort of
like the simple, straight forward approach to things started by D&D.  "it
moved?  KILL IT!!!!".

> A bit off topic, but please, go ahead.  I (dirty
> confession time) have NEVER played D&D, and frankly
> don't understand the devotion to it.
> But I'm willing to be informed.