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Re: [DL] Hexslinger Required (holistic storyline questions)

The deadlands metaverse has a single flaw.

(ok maybe more than one but this is a focused rant)


The most vauge character class that has yet to be produced.  Not much more 
than a footnote in a single book mostly dedicated to lawmen and combat.  
They lack real explanations from a metaverse standpoint.  The marshals 
sections on them are loose and not very different from a quick once over and 
they call into question a lot of things that I thought had been nailed down 
with hucksters.

step one what is old has become new:
1. The only real requirement for casting spells is access to the hunting 
grounds and the ability to see your hands.

1a. Hexslingers don't necessarily need to see their hands.

2. Hucksters see glowing playing cards in their hands that from the physical 
manifestation of power from the hunting grounds.

2a. Hexslingers don't see cards.

3. Hucksters learn from many sources.  Arcane texts, Hoyles, other 
hucksters, and they develop hexes themselves.

3a. Hexslingers have no book.  Can't really learn from arcane texts because 
they don't have to have acedemia:occult and are not the same as hucksters.  
Without a teacher you are pretty much up shist creek.

4.Hucksters can learn hexslinger spells if someone is around to teach them.

4a. Hexslingers may not be able to ever learn huckster spells. (depending on 
the marshal)

Some real clarification needs to be done about exactly what and how the 
meta-psysics of deadlands work.

At least with regard to hucksterdom.

Ron C
Another class another diatribe.
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