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Re: [DL] More High Noon questions

At 06:27 PM 10/14/00 -0500, you wrote:
 >1. There's no listed spells for the Preacher in the army list.  How many
 >spells should he have?  Some spellslingers have 3, others 4.

 From the AR:
Pg 3: The Preacher has Spells: Any 4.  Scratch the bit about Iron Dragon 
not being able to hire 'em.  It's only Bayou and Black River that have this 

 >2. The text of the "leadership" edge seems to indicate that Heroes can't
 >lead any more unless they have that edge.  Is this tryue?

Correct.  Another reason for the devaluation of heroes.

Allan Seyberth
Deadlands fan site - http://www.darious.com/deadlands/index.html

Why did the chicken cross the road?