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RE: [DL] Re: deadlands-digest.20001004-1

--- "Zachariasen, Nick" <zacharin@pluto.dsu.edu>
> > "Okay, after aiming for 1.3 seconds, he has a 54%
> chance to hit 
> > you.  <roll> He does.  Ballistic time of flight at
> this range is .21 
> > seconds, which is still before your next action.
> He hits you in the 
> > <checking the d1000 hit location chart> left knee.
>  Cross-indexing the 
> > weapon's damage class and penetration at this
> range means that the round
> > shatters your patella and over-penetrates.  Now,
> let's check for 
> > knockdown.  The over-penetration means that the KD
> factor of the round
> > is halved. . . "
> Man, I *STILL* drool when I think about this.  I
> love specificity :) .

Oh my aching head... just shoot the guy already!  

Seriously, I have some appreciation for hit locations
that specific, but I much prefer having a broad
location and then letting the Marshall narrate.

"Okay, that's a critical to the left leg.  Looks like
you shattered your knee-cap; make a Nimbleness test to
keep standing up."

Marguerite of EMGB, otherwise known as Maggie Jensen



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