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Re: [DL] Napster/The Bible/etc. (REALLY OT)

Oh yeah, I forgot about the Separtist discussion--skipped over that one
after the first post.
My main problem isn't so much that some people are saying mean things, as
people purposely sparking conversations that are way out of the field of
Deadlands.  When someone posts their opinion on a controversial topic
that's NOT Deadlands, it doesn't matter to me if they're being nice,
because they're being obnoxious.
And if you thought I was serious about my "Vote Gore" line after that
message, then follow that Encarta link someone mentioned yesterday and
look up "sarcasm"--it might answer a few questions.  I'd never go and say
something like that on this list seriously, because it's pointless in
regard to Deadlands.
--Rich Ranallo

PS: Vote Bush/Cheney 2000! I mean it this time, no joking around!

On Mon, 09 Oct 2000 15:27:22 -0400 The Baron Samedi <baron11@netmcr.com>
> THAT was pointless trolling?
> admittedly, the Napster thing actually had someone giving a 
> suggestion rather then just general camaraderie, but still.  Both
> were more civil then the separatist thing. tho there have been alot of 
> posts on the Napster thing now)
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