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[DL] Re: deadlands-digest.20001001

> > Wow, I sound like a big, whiny weenie-head.
>     You're not a big weenie-head, I just think (if I may be so bold ;-)
> you're putting the group's desires way too ahead of your own.  The whole
> reason we, as Marshals, run games is so that everybody gets to have fun,
> ourselves included.

Amen to that. I run two Deadlands PBEMs, a AD&D PBEM and a Deadlands/fantasy
mix face-to-face. I marshal for the fun and interest of making a good

I have learned over the years that some games/groups just don't work out. At
least three campaigns I ahve run/played in have been justifiably cancelled
due to the wrong mix of players/ classes/ or attitudes. I do feel for those
who run face-to-face games, it is so much harder to find a new group of
players(One big plus of a PBEM)

Try to find  middle ground with your possee but if you can't go do something
more fun, like a new game, a new group or perhaps move to PBEMs. Deadlands
is a good game for PBEMs.

[[Trying valiently to fight off temptation to preach about PBEMS]]