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Re: [DL] Hack and Slash Deadlands

I agree, try this first. On top of that, make it a
situation where if they do start with the hacking and
the slashing the consequences come down on them hard,
not giving them time to enjoy their last gunfight.
Then do it again. If this doesn't work, you have a
couple options: Just keep telling yourself that
they'll come around to thinking games instead of
killing games with your clever, influencing Marshal
ways, give in to the bloodbath, or drop them. 
I am in a rather similar pickle. My summer group, who
I luckily won't have to play with for another eight
months, fought against detective work tooth and nail.
I don't think they came around in the slightest the
entire campaign to wanting to solve it. They got so
bored they wrote off the murders, didn't notice the
villain escape and plotted how to kill each other.
Half way through the summer I gave into the killing,
threw bad guys at them and just made up the fun
thinking stuff on the side for NPCs to figure out just
to keep myself from quitting. I would just drop the
group but they're having so much fun (one of them just
bought F&B specifically for they're character and if I
quit on them they wouldn't play at all anymore and
they wouldn't buy any more books)and they have no idea
that I'm hating how they play.

Wow, I sound like a big, whiny weenie-head.

Zombi Bobb

--- John <JNOVO@prodigy.net> wrote:
> I don't quite think that's the answer.  This might
> be a little tougher than
> it sounds, but try your best to create situations
> where the posse has to
> rely on brain power rather than fire power.  Create
> a mystery setting, with
> a bunch of clues.  Make them play detective, and
> throw a little action in
> between somewhere. Maybe they might actually enjoy
> it, and back off the Hack
> N' Slash.  If not. Well, you can email me privately,
> I have a few contacts
> in the Ames, Des Moines area of Iowa who you might
> want to talk to about
> forming a posse.
> John

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