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RE: [DL] Epitaph Question

My 2 cents/25 øre:

I liked the first issue. The second issue was too heavy on
HOE and I finish reading much too soon for $15/kr 150.

My suggestions:
- The combined format are OK for magazines, where usually 
  some of the content are of for other systems/worlds than
  your campaign (I only play WW)

- The price is too high for a magazine where only half is
  usable to WW players. Cut down on print and paper quality.
  Maybe drop the comic (even though I enjoy it). Use cheap
  fan written material.

- Keep it as a paper magazine. I like stuff I can put on my shelf.
  Do not consider going to a web format.


-----Original Message-----
From: John Goff [mailto:JohnGoff@deadlands.com]
Sent: Monday, September 25, 2000 7:47 PM
To: deadlands@gamerz.net
Subject: [DL] Epitaph Question

Now, in the midst of the recent debates, a question that's only partially
related to the topic comes to mind and I'd like everyone's input on it.

I've heard complaints about the Epitaph since almost day one. I'm wondering
how many of you that were disappointed with the first issue bought the

If so, were you as displeased with it, or was it more to your liking?

If you still found it unsatisfactory, why was that?

Just wondering...


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