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Re: [DL] About all this fuss that I started...

--- "Ray C." <r_a_c_@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Mr. Goff:  The main thing I don't get about why GWN
> kept getting bumped is 
> don't have anything 
> wrong with Mexico and Mexicans, but I'm willing to
> bet there are QUITE a few 
> more RPGers in the Dominion than there is in the
> Republic.  Then again, most 
> State-siders would probably rather go to Mexico than
> to Canada...  Ah 
> well...

I'm not Goff, nor do I pretend to be.  I do see a flaw
with this logic though.  Yes, I do want to eventually
see a Canadian sourcebook, but I feel the Mexican
sourcebook was more relavant and useful simply because
it fits the classic idea of a western.  In my view,
Canada doesn't really fit as well into the western
scheme.  I will admit though that the next country
based sourcebook should be Canada since it fits better
than any other country, but saying Canada should be
released just because Mexico was is like comparing
apples and oranges, it just doesn't hold water.

-Munch Wolf

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