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Re: [DL] PEG Order - A question for the folks who send out orders

> also im still waiting for my 2 hanging judge figures? any news?

Sorry about my tardiness in replying. I let my email go for a couple of days
and am suddenly finding a few pieces that had been hidden behind the rest.

Here's the deal as I understand it (bear in mind, I'm just a lowly brand
manager--my info on the business side is always a little suspect). The
statues are actually licensed from us by another company (whose name
currently escaped my addled brain...). We were functioning as a retailer in
the transaction.

The company has rolled back its production twice now. Once to GenCon and
then, just before GenCon, to late October (IIRC). I  don't (nor, I suspect
does anyone else in the office) know why, unfortunately. I have seen a
completed version of it, so I know the mold is done if that helps. :-/

However, I fully understand your concern over the delay. If it's causing you
any frustration at all, give Shane a yell. He'll do what he can to work it
out, I'm sure.
