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From: "Chris Nelson" <chris2@pre-press.com>
> You know, I liked Cheyenne's first album, but recently they've gotten
> so... I dunno... corporate :)

I don't know what you are talking about... I'M A GOLDEN GOD OF ROCK!!!

> So, does this mean you're too good to do contract work for a Deadlands
> adventure writer's web pages? :)
> --

Nope I'm not to good to do anything... um... except confuse myself.

From: "Graveyard Greg" <graveyardgreg@netzero.net>
> One thing I'd love to see is some art by Kaja Foglio, now that we got
> Cheyenne. You're a fixture in the Foglio Studios booth at the cons--what
> are the chances???

That's really up to PEG. Kaja is planning to get back to her art table soon.
now that her youngin' (Victor Mycroft Foglio) is old enough entertain
himself. Now I'm not gonna say she'd do it hands down... but she might be
willing to think about it.

From: "Munch Wolf" <munchwolf@yahoo.com>
> What about Phil Foglio?  Can you imagine what Stone
> would look like rendered in his style

I don't have to imagine... I'll see if I can talk him into it.  :)
as for him actually doing art for deadlands. not likely. he is about to put
out his new comic "Girl Genius" he's been working on it for something like 8
years in secret, plotting to whole thing from beginning to end. It will be
of big interest to all you Mad Scientists out there too. It's set in Europe
around the late 1800's. Mad Scientists rule the world... well Europe any
way... America is not in the picture. It's there but anyone they send over
to check it out, NEVER COMES BACK! It's a great story (what I've seen of it)
and Brian Snoddy (zombie artist from 'Gimme the brain') is doing the inking
on it... He's my Hero!

Check it out

Cheyenne "gimme the brain... i have to count the meat" Wright

www.geocities.com/medmenham/index.html       -The Art of Cheyenne Wright

When we remember that we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life
stands explained.
- Mark Twain