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Re: [DL] Pinnacle sold... (now 50% more OT)

>My only real problem with Wizards of the Coast is
> that They have their
> own Retail outlet chain and if they were to say hay... we
> will only sell our
> productics in our stores, then I and alot of the other
> small retailers are
> out on our ears. 

The middle of Iowa is safe...
The only way for them to continue to make money is to push
through products through as many channels as possible.
S**t, I've seen Pokemon stores at the Quick Check
convenience store.

If Hasbro/WotC goes for "World Domination" they'll follow
the model which GW (un)sucessfully tried in the US:
1. Become Your own distributer
2. Study Distribution patterns for key areas to open stores
3. Open store in "Critical Mass" Markets

Needless to say, that takes a *lot* of time and a *lot* of
Seeing as Hasbro is a public company, whose stock has been
performing poorly, I don't think the shareholders will be
too happy if they go on a Capital Expenditure spree!


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