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Re: [DL] Posse problems

--- Stephen L Jacobs <cbazaar@pcpartner.net> wrote:
> I have run accross a problem with two players who's characters always
> use the same abilities no mater what the situation. One is a Huckster
> and we have nick named him soul blaster becuase that is all he does.
> Another posse member always askes "Is there a gun shop" everytime
> they pass through a new town. I have begun penalizing them bounty
> wise but all that is doing is cuaseing them to be more aggresive. He
> recently soul blasted three cats and a horse becuase I tried to
> shackle him with an amulet that would resrict his use of soul blast.
> I'm quickly running out of options. Has anyone out there ran into
> this and how did you handle it.

The simplest solution may be the best in this case:  give them problems
they cannot fight their way out of.  Riddles, mazes, puzzles and such
are all great ways to cut the gun bunnies down to size.  Make 'em use
their other skills for a change.


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