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Re: SV: [DL] Manitou Name [pretty long]

--- Ole Ingvar Stene <oleingva@ifi.ntnu.no> wrote:
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: Bryce <SandChigg@rocketmail.com>
> > Well, can you give us some more informaiton about him/her/it?  Does
> the
> > manitou have a sex?  What's its MO?  What does it look like?
> Okay, perhaps I should tell then (I am surprised no-one said 'call
> him Bob', though Sam was close enough). But first, just in case one
> of my players, even though I said that he should not, has joined the
> list:
> S
> P
> O
> I
> L
> E
> R
> S
> P
> A
> C
> E
> Torgeir, (or anyone else of ya for that matter) if you are there, DO
> NOT READ FURTHER! This is NOT a minor spoiler! You'll ruin the
> surprise for yourself, me and the others if you keep reading. It
> doesn't matter if your're not going to play so often. GIT!
> Think he got the point?

I'm betting that he's gone.

> Well, it goes like this: One of the characters (Torgeir's,
> incidentaly) has an mysterious past. Long, long ago (about 1500 or
> so, the exact time is undefined) one of the character's ancestors
> made a pact with a manitou. The pact can be used up to thirteen times
> by a single member of the family, after that the manitou comes to get
> that unfortunate person's soul. The pact also gives all members of
> the family potential to be powerful mages, even if only one person
> can hold the real power of the pact at a single time. After the
> Reckoning, the pact became really powerful.

For some reason, this got me thinking about the Merlin mythology - you
know, his dad was supposedly a demon- so after some research, I've come
up with a few names from the Merlin story you might want to try out,
see how they work for you.

-Morfryn Frych
-Ambrosius Aurelianus (for that fallen angel flavor)

And, well, that's about it for my suggestions.  Hope ya like 'em and if
not I suppose someone else might be able to use 'em.


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