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Re: [DL] boring fights? (long)

Daphne Brunelle wrote:
> So how many people are there usually to a posse? This addressed to all who
> care to respond. Are we the norm or the exception?

I usually have four to five.  When I ran "Don't Drink the Water" for PEG
at GenCon 99, it was around 8 - but as long as you're organized, combat
runs fine.


SeanMike Whipkey - Damnit.  Where's my witty repartee?
"Ow! Ow! Ow!  I had to go after mutants, didn't I?  I couldn't just 
attack Napster, nooooo. I had to attack freaks that know kung fu."
 - http://ter.air0day.com/xmen.html