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Re: [DL] Mark Twain in Deadlands

On Wed, 30 Aug 2000 03:19:34 -0700, deadlands@gamerz.net wrote:

>  > How Few Remain, one of the alternate history books by harry turtledove
>  > covers him in a bit of detail.  I know it isn't deadlands because he
>  > up in san fransisco in 1881 as a newspaper editor.  In deadlands that
>  would
>  > make him...dead.  Most likely.  Unless by some miricle he survived the
>  quake
>  > and moved inland with grimme.  That's just too horrible to even
>  contemplate.
>  Your thinking LA not SF. And SF would probably be a hostile environment
to a
>  snoopy white guy in Shan Fan.

I know the paralles but I mean San fransisco.  It's in the book.  It's not
deadlands but who is to say that a snoopy white guy couldn't get by, by
working for the triads.  Long haired tony his half white and he gets by.

Anyway, Twain would most likely be a reporter for a southern new paper at
the time.  Being from missouri he would most likely have stayed in the south
for the duration.  Or as I said escaped west to avoid the draft.  He'd still
be a young man and you could conceiveably play him as a PC.  just because
you achieve fame in the real world is no reason that in the deadlands world
you become a worthless nobody.  

Back to the shadows.

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