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Re: [DL] GRW-related question

On Sun, 27 Aug 2000 09:30:47 -0600, deadlands@gamerz.net wrote:

>  Ross asks:
>  > [in GRW] what minis are included?
>  You get a set of PEG's Scouts/Gunmen and Gunmen/Scouts - peculiar naming
>  convention, but each set has five unique castings of a typical GRW Gunman
>  Posse.  You get two riflemen, two pistol men, and one guy sporting a
>  in each posse.  You also get one Huckster, one Gunslinger, and a posse of
>  Walkin' Dead.  All these are the same as the standard minis PEG used to
>  and promises to sell again real soon now.

Just to clarify...there isn't really a gunslinger figure.  He's a part of
one of one of the gunman posses.  If you bought the gunslinger figure
alone...(like I did) it is the same one, but the two single figs were the
hexslinger and the indain brave like i posted before.
>  The retail price of the minis is alone almost equal to the retail price
>  GRW.  In addition to the minis, you get four cardboard buildings,
>  for playing GRW, the (now outdated) rule book and army lists, a bunch of
>  dice, and other stuff that I am probably forgetting.  If you're
>  in GRW, the box is a deal.

I forgot about some of the extras...

The buildings are ok.  The artwork is nice but they are roofless and not all
that convinceing.  I recomend the vulture gultch from microtatix.  cheap and
very nice.  if you really need buildings.

The dice are also ok.  they are smooth and lightweight as dice go and in my
opinion do not roll evenly or well compared to some of the stuff you can buy
from chessex or even the cheapo dice you get with a monopoly set.

The poker chips...They are small.  If you don't already have chips it is
nice to know that pinnicle was thinking ahead and included some with the

The rules, Like you said are out of date but do provide some nice senerios
for starting players.  I played through the demo one and kept adding rules
to it till I had the whole game down.

>  litmus test - I told myself that if I paint these seventeen minis, then I
>  can consider myself back "in" on the miniatures gaming front.  I am, by
>  golly, back in.

I finished all of them.  It was my first foray into minis painting and I
learned a lot very quickly.  My first run of walking dead look like the
clowns of death but my second run are pure hellfire.  I'll post pics
sometime I really enjoy them.
>  Then Ron writes: Damn skippy I write!
>  > If you want my opinion, DONT.
>  What a strange answer.  The figures in GRW are grouped in posses of five,
>  because that's the way you play GRW.  I assume Ron's opinion is based on
>  these minis didn't fit his needs for his roleplay sessions, in spite of
>  s "GRW" handle in his name.  And the new figures coming out are designed
>  compliment the old figures, not replace them.

Here is where we differ.  I love the figs.  The good ones anyway.  The
origonal question was about the boxed set.  I didn't like it because it gave
you $50 worth of minis that wouldn't even make a decent army.  There weren't
even 500 points worth of figs in the box and that is the recomended size for
an army.  Not to mention the fact that you couldn't use the indain with the
origonal rules because there was no army list for him.
>  That being said, the selection of figures in GRW probably won't perfectly
>  match your needs as a roleplayer.  If you are looking to buy GRW as a
>  source for roleplay minis, it'd probably be worth the trip for you to go
>  your FLGS and look at them before you decide.
>  Tom Huntington
>  The Truth Is Yonder

This last is good advice.

I would recomend buying individual figs instead of the boxed sets.  They are
more customizeable for the Roleplaying side and you don't have that initial
65 dollar crunch.

Ron "Still GRW, RPG, CCG, And ABC" Conner

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