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[DL] High Noon in Print? (Goff)

The PEG flier that I got at GenCon (and suspiciously seems to have been from
Origins) has gone missing from my pile of post-con stuff. I do remember that
it said something about a print version of the new High Noon rules being
available this fall, and that the old supplements would be available, on the
website, as well. Since my addled 'old mans' brain can't seem to remember
any of the specifics, and my poor web browsing skills have failed to turn
anything up on the PEG site about this, I thought I'd ask around to the
group. My questions are as follows. Will the High Noon print version be just
like the free download, or will it be expanded on in any way? Also, will it
be available only through the web page, or through regular retail channels?
And what is the SRP on the new edition? I also remember that there were figs
on the web page for a limited time, any chance these might make a repeat
appearance in retail shops, or are we stuck with the cardstock cowboys: GRW

Also, and I know this is way, way, way, way, way out of date information,
but I'll ask anyway. Shane had mentioned that there was a 'Judgement Day'
minis game for HoE in the planning stages. Any chance we'll see this is a
rules supplement for High Noon, complete with Cardstock Cowboys? Here's


The Suprisingly vocal Dr. Chris Aniballi
The piano is firewood, Times Square is a dream
I find we'll lay down together in the cold, cold ground
Tom Waits - "Cold Cold Ground"