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Re: [DL] DL] PEG Cover Art (Goff)

> > have South), Hexarcana etc.  I'm not sure if it is a particular
> > artists style that I don't like (I haven't checked to see if they are
> > the same person) however I feel that they fail to grasp the horror and
> It is the same person- Douglas Shuler, IIRC.  He's doing all their Weird
> West covers this year.
> Nick Zachariasen

Actually, Hexarcana is Pete Venters work, as was the Agency book,
Ghostbusters, and so on. The Doug Schuler stuff for the Back East books
wasn't that bad, but it did lack the desired zing. I, on the other hand, dig
the pieces that Pete Venters did so far this year. Sure, the Hexarcana one
is one of the weaker ones, but it's not that bad. I just wish that PEG could
get more Brom stuff, or for that matter, Paolo Parente. I think that his
stuff was without a doubt some of the best stuff around. Maybe some more Ron
Spencer would be nice too. They're all three some of the best aritists
working in the industry.

Chris Aniballi
And they smeel nice too
The piano is firewood, Times Square is a dream
I find we'll lay down together in the cold, cold ground
Tom Waits - "Cold Cold Ground"