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Re: [DL] Are We Doing It Correctly?

On Thu, 24 Aug 2000 03:31:44 -0500, deadlands@gamerz.net wrote:

>  I have to agree that fudging against the players is always a bad thing.
>  Part of marshalling is being able to think on your feet, especially when
>  posse totally fubars your plans.
>  Dont restrict characters to YOUR story, let the story happen. Lay out
>  will happen in a fairly general sense and if they do a 180 on you, adapt.
>  Its what seperates the good marshals from the bad ones.
>  It isnt always easy, but its always worth it.

I have to agree with my friend here.  Though I am the first one to advocate
fudgeing as a method of player control. Not Character control player
control.  For the unruly/rules lawyering/munchkinized/whatever you want to
call it.  Go read the muchkins' guide to powergameing.  The section on
fudgeing is great.

Fudgeing for a reason is one thing.  Fudgeing because it makes you feel
better or just because you can is totally wrong.  You must advance the
story.  NOT your story...the Characters story.  They decide their own fate
you simply play with the other variables and see how they react.

Ron Conner

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