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Re: [DL] Harrowed - Spoilers

--- Nick Zachariasen <zacharin@pluto.dsu.edu> wrote:
> > S
> >
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> >
> > o
> >
> > i
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> > l
> >
> > e
> >
> > r
> >
> > s
> >
> >
> > A) Supernatural Trait:  Either it should be
> changed so
> > Spirit is the only trait that it cannot affect, or
> > that whenever it is pumped up, the manitous spirit
> > also gets pumped.  After all, why would the
> manitou
> > grant a power that harms itself?
> That's the way I interpret it.  The Manitou can use
> any power that the
> Harowed character has learned, so why not
> Supernatural Spirit in a Dominion
> check?

Thanks, great arguement.  I had figured that was the
case, but I couldn't think of a reason why.  Thanks.

> <SNIP> the rest
> Uh, no.  Take a character created Harrowed, rather
> than one who just became
> that way.  That character having 5 levels in powers
> plus a Manitou with half
> Dominion (if it worked out that way) would just need
> to either develop one
> more level in a power, have the Manitou gain one
> more point, or count Coup
> once.  That's a little merciless.  When I've run
> people through their
> nightmares, they tend to be either right on the
> money or really close to the
> Manitou having half Dominion.  That'd be a little
> soon to have a character
> become a semi-abomination.  I could see maybe if the
> powers were taken out
> of the equation and just coup and Manitou Dominion
> were figured in (probably
> take step 2 and make it step 1, and make step 3 step
> 2, except shift the
> numerical requirements)

Personally I think chips are enough to take care of a
munchkin Harrowed, but after reading one too many
posts about a Harrowed Blessed Martial Artist killing
Stone I just had to rant.  Also the present dominion
rules seem weaker than the old rules, and I was
looking for a way to reflect the character becoming a
monster.  Maybe make the semi-abomination at twice
spirit, and the full abomination at three times.

-Munch Wolf

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