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Re: [DL] Doom Town

--- Ghoull@aol.com wrote:
> In a message dated 8/16/00 3:55:14 AM Eastern
> Daylight Time, 
> toadpooka@juno.com writes:
> << Hey, there's a mention of Gomorrah in the
> strangest of places:
> http://www.chick.com/reading/tracts/0273/0273_01.asp
>   >>
>      I just had a weird idea. What if Deadlands
> Blessed used Chick tracts (or 
> the Weird West equivalent) in their preaching? Would
> they gain bonuses? 
> Penalties? Be gunned down by Stone? Hmmm...I might
> actually have to do this 
> next time I play DL.

Sounds like a Sevant of Grimm...

-Munch Wolf

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