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Re: [DL] Is this place dead or what?

--- Ronald Conner <marshal_dude@excite.com> wrote:
> Yeah I try to pray towards wisconsin at least five
> times a day in the
> summer.  I'll have to buy a compass and a map when
> they move it next year.
> I really want to go but I never get further west
> than texas.  Too bad they
> can't hold it on the west coast for a change.  I
> mean the only reason they
> had it in wisconsin in the first place was because
> TSR was located there.
> Now that Wizards is running it you would expect them
> to move it to
> washington or something....
> Now I know what you are all going to say.  If they
> hold it on the west coast
> nobody will come...
> Bull____!  It's Gencon...You try to tell me that
> where they hold it makes a
> whit of difference.  People would go if they held it
> on the dark side of the
> moon during a solar eclipse.  I know I would.
> Ron "Damn I wanted to go to Gencon" Conner
Amen!  Probably the only major game/entertainment
convention we have out here is E3, which I couldn't go
to either.

Marguerite of EMGB, otherwise known as Maggie Jensen

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