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Re: [DL] More cool firearms

As the one and only gun fanatic character in our game,
"GIMME GIMME GIMME!" (please).

Purchase info would be mucho appreciated.

Marguerite of EMGB, otherwise known as Magggie Jensen
--- Wecarmich@aol.com wrote:
> As most of you know Steve Long did a rather
> comprehensive list of firearms.  
> I have found a book by Knuckleduster Publications
> that has a description of 
> many guns found in the American west.  Aside from
> pictures and generic 
> descriptions there is also a Deadlands conversion
> chart in the back.  The 
> book is designed to work with any Western game I
> have found it a blast 
> looking through as I knew little about what these
> guns really looked like.  I 
> am not sure how many weapons listed are not on Mr'
> Long's list but I believe 
> there may be a few.  I could be wrong as I have only
> briefly scanned the 
> page.  In any case, The pictures alone make it worth
> the buy, esp. for those 
> of use with little real knowledge of guns.  Just
> thought I would pass this 
> book along.
> Walter "You boys shot a lot of bullets in the
> clouds, anybody take time to 
> reload"  Carmichael
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