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Re: [DL] Quickness

>If you're not planning a combat character, (which you shouldn't do
>_all_ of the time), then 2d4 quickness really isn't that bad. I quite
>often give my character d4 in quickness; the rest of the posse can
>fight and I can do the people-interaction side of things. I get
>irritated quite easily when people play the game geared entirely
>around combat, mostly because the posse I run are exactly like that.
>I'm breaking them of the habit though >:)

I can understand your point, but I don't feel that having a decent Quickness
means that you are necessarily a combat related character.  In Deadlands I
would say that combat is pretty much an inevitability, the western and
horror genres lend themselves to it (though not to the detriment of
roleplaying - hopefully).  So when the lead starts flying you need actions
whether it is to talk to/ridicule/overawe folks or duck.  I can visualise a
situation with my posse where  the posse gets ambushed in the street, the
rest of the combat orientated characters roll their Quickness and duck for
cover leaving the non-combat character the sole stationary target in the
middle of the street, he wouldn't stand a chance (unless the Marshal is
nice, or your posse are good at protecting you, or the posse are stupid
enough not to take cover in a shootout).

So I view Quickness as a survival trait rather than combat one, I wouldn't
necessarily always make it a D12 or D10, but I would try for a D8 if I
could, D6 at a minimum.  Making Quickness D4 strikes me as a point proving
exercise and in my game would be the death of him at some point or another
(but then again the team spirit is never particularly high in my posse :) )

In general no matter what game I play (assuming the game includes combat to
some degree) I will give my character some combat capability simply for my
entertainment so that I'm not sitting around twiddling my thumbs while
everyone else is doing something.

Just my POV
