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Re: hit locations (was: [DL] only a little OT, or not even, really.)

At 02:35 AM 7/30/00 -0700, you wrote:
>> Eh. . . rolling the hit location didn't take any longer than any other hit
>> location system - instead of rolling a d20, or 2d10 for percentiles, you
>> roll 3d10 and line 'em up.
>Was the hit location dependant on the combat system, or would it be portable
>to Deadlands?

Yeah - it could be ported over without too much difficulty.  Just figure
out a way to handle raises and hit location, and picking sections that
count as "gizzards".

Hit location - ports pretty easily.  Damage - don't even try.  

To figure out damage you had to get the Damage Class (bullet size) and it's
Penetration Factor at the range of the shot, then apply those values to the
d1000 hit location chart, which would give you the amount of damage you
take (and tell you just how deep the bullet penetrates into the body - or
if it overpenetrates and hits the guy behind you)

And then there were factors like the weapon's Knockdown factor, Ballistic
Accuracy, Time of Flight, Aim time modifiers. . . 

Allan Seyberth
Deadlands fan site - http://www.darious.com/deadlands/index.html

Why did the chicken cross the road?

That's not a question we'd prefer to hear from a senior officer.  It makes
the junior officers nervous.