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RE: [DL] Combat streamlining

>1. Make sure every player has a copy of the Hit Location chart, so they can
>get that done as quickly as possible.

I make that someone's "job"
I also I insist that if a player has to roll xdy, that they roll all "X"
dice at once.  For to hit rolls, I have them roll the Hit location die with
the to hit dice. 

>2. Save Wind damage for exhaustion and non-lethal combat.  With Vigor rolls
>to keep going, it isn't redundant per se (I like it a lot in theory), but
>it does slow things down a lot.

I usually forget to roll wind damage, anyway.  Besides, if they want to
stand toe-to-toe until they die, that's fine by me...
I ignore stun effects for anything less than critical wounds  (I've found
that stun, more than anything, bogs down combat)

> it works wonderfully for putting Action cards in
> so that no one else can read them, but I (or anyone else doing it for
> themselves) can see and reference them easily. S
I *usually* make everyone reveal their cards so that *I* can keep the pace

Otherwise it's like this:
ME: "Fours?  Threes?  OK I've got a two"
PC: "Wait, I have a seven!"
