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Re: [DL] Looking for Gamers (in all the wrong places)

--- John Goff <JohnGoff@deadlands.com> wrote:
> How many of posses out there just use the Marshal's books?

*GASP!* No!  We call those people dirty names and look upon them with
pity for not supporting such a great game.

> How many players purchase _only_ the book appropriate to their
> particular
> character?

My roommate does this.  He has the Smith and Robards book, the Players
Handbook, the Agency book, and he's planning to get the Collegium book
when it comes out.  His girlfriend and I, however have every single
book.  Since we live in the same house, this means that we have four
copies of some books in the house.

> How many Marshals _don't_ want the players reading the Posse sections
> in
> each book?

I, and the other Marshal of our group, love the players reading the
Posse sections as we feel it gives them a better understanding of the
world around them and they're just darn entertaining reads! :)

> I doubt we'll change the format, but I'm wondering about the space
> devoted
> to the Posse section in these works. If only the Marshal is
> buying/reading
> them, we'd best be serving you guys by reducing the size of the Posse
> sections in these books and _increasing_ the Marshal section.

I say leave well enough alone.  If you got rid of the Posse section,
which is arguably the most entertaining section of the book, or even
shortened it then much of the "fun reading" quality of the books would
be lost as has happened to the adventures.


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