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Re: [DL] yet more Diablo questions (Allan/Goff)

On Mon, 24 July 2000, "John Goff" wrote:

> As with all of this, it's ultimately your call. Me, > I'd make it look no
> different from normal leather after the thing's 
> killed.
> Or maybe...human skin...
> ;-)
> John
Ohhh Yeah baby!  This I can use - check this out (Marshals only)

So, at John's suggestion, i had the posse run into a feller who was about to be Diabloized.  The victim had a shock of red hair.  Of cource the hellcows made short work of them, and almost took the party out incendentally.

I think the skin of the next hellcow may have red hair, and it's skin have freckles!  Just like thier buddy they let down.

Jeff "C'mon 5 Grit" Tolle


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