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Re: [DL] Looking for Gamers (in all the wrong places)

| It seems to me that one person in a group tends to buy most of the books
| an RPG (not just Deadlands); in the case of my group--which has been
| for 4 years--it's me <g>. This plays into a lot of things both business
| creatively for me, so I'd like as much input as you folks would care to
| give.

In my group, a couple of the players have gone out and bought whatever
splatbooks were appropriate.  One of those players has gone on to collect
the entire HoE line.

| How many of posses out there just use the Marshal's books?

Mostly, yeah.

| How many players purchase _only_ the book appropriate to their particular
| character?

As mentioned above, a couple players in my posse have done this, though one
expanded his horizons.

| How many Marshals _don't_ want the players reading the Posse sections in
| each book?

As Marshal, my policy is that if the player owns the book, he's allowed to
read any section he pleases.

| I doubt we'll change the format, but I'm wondering about the space
| to the Posse section in these works. If only the Marshal is
| them, we'd best be serving you guys by reducing the size of the Posse
| sections in these books and _increasing_ the Marshal section.

Wouldn't mind seeing that, though I have to admit, I enjoy reading the "in
character" portion of the book.

B. D. Flory

"There are four types of homicide: felonious, culpable, justifiable, and
                                                   -Oscar Wilde