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Re: [DL] yet more Diablo questions (Allan/Goff)

Back to work...


> One of my posse faced a Diablo last night and miraculously (read: I forgot
> to take off the PC's two remaining Wind from blood loss) survived.  As a
> result of this fight, here's a couple Diablo questions and then three
> non-Diablo questions:
> S
> P
> O
> I
> L
> E
> R
> S
> P
> A
> C
> E
> 1) Given that Diablos give a point of Grit to Harrowed as Coup, should the
> Harrowed also be awarded a point of Grit for the encounter?  I ask because
> Grit seems like it may be a little much for one encounter, even if one
> is from Coup (and it wasnt even his Diablo!).

I've never been sure about that one. If you can come up with a different
idea--that's fine by me. :-)

> 2) If this character decided to use the Diablo's hide to make a duster,
> could she also get gloves and boots out of it?  What do you think it would
> look like?  Would it be that blue reptilian hide it shows (possibly
> the attention of the Pinks- still in 1876), or would it smooth out a bit
> look a bit more natural?

Here's an easy answer: The corpse "goes away" after a time: disappears,
dissolves into a puddle of goo, turns into a normal cow, or just fades out
of sight. I think it would be too obvious an indicator for the Reckoners to
leave laying around. That said, a light armor -2 or -4 duster from the hide
might be cool...

> 3) Related to (1), can a Harrowed count Coup on the same type of
> more than once?  The one in the posse (he has the 7th Son Knack- more on
> that next) just gotten to 5 Grit (6, counting colored Grit) himself, so
> they'll be coming for him soon enough.

Me, I'd say no. Prevents _excessive_ munchkinism. ;-)

> 4) 7th Son can be used to cancel Fate Chips spent by the Marshal.  Does
> also apply to a Fate Chip spent to initiate a test of Dominion?  For this
> session, I Mills Laned it ("I'll allow it!"), but I'm really not sure, as
> that could prove to be QUITE unbalancing, plus it seems like it would be a
> special circumstance.

I agree. I'd say they can cancel Fate Chips spent to boost Trait/Aptitude
rolls or to cancel damage. I wouldn't allow it when the chip activates a
game mechanic. It seems to violate the spirit of the Knack (and unbalance

> 5) I told the guy whose character beat the Diablo that he could take VotWW
> for her if he wanted

VotWW is really intended as a character creation Edge. It's there to allow a
player to create a hero with some experience (and a scar or two)--especially
experienced players. It's not really appropriate after the fact. Heroes gain
Bounty (and Hindrances) through play, not through sudden bursts of insight
ala VotWW. :-)

If you _do_ choose to allow that, I'd leave it at 15 points--that's still a
whopper boost at one time.
