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Re: [DL] Minis and such

> > 3. Resin: I would personally like to see some more figs in resin.
> >
> Won't happen for a sound financial reason. Individually, resin figures are
> cheaper to produce, but they have an _incredible_ startup cost for the
> molds. we've looked at it several times and had to say, "No way."
> the cost for a resin master and mold runs 5 to 10 times that of a lead.
> we could crank out the figs for pennies a piece once we had it, but our
> sales to date wouldn't have covered the overhead.

Exactly what are they made of now?  They don't seem to be made of lead
because they're not as heavy as the Grendier figures I've managed to find
and they also don't bend as easily.

Nick "Mini-Brian" Zachariasen