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Re: [DL] Black Chips

 >So Allan, has being around Goff affected your
 >Marshaling at all?
 >Just curious...


One of my players just mentioned that he custom made a miniature "El 
Scorpion" - a backlash created Mexican bandito/giant scorpion armored 
hybrid who lived to bring down the Huckster who "created" it into the 
(rather short) life of torment it had.

It was gunned down fairly brutally - after I spent 15 points worth of chips 
keeping it alive in order to try and land ONE shot on the Huckster.
Well - two.  I got one in early and the huckster wouldn't let me hit him 
again.  Something about "OWOWOWOWOW  THAT BLOODY HURT" when the stinger 
nailed his foot to the ground.  Or he said something like that anyway.

A different player just created the miniature - so I'm gonna have to just 
bring El Scorpion back, now aren't I?

BTW - The player is getting two blue fate chips.  One for the effort into 
making the miniature, and the other for the look on the Huckster's face 
when it pops back up out of the sand.

I like my players.

They do most of my work for me.


Allan Seyberth
Deadlands fan site - http://www.darious.com/deadlands/index.html

Why did the chicken cross the road?

To get to the other side? Of course not! Do you realize how ridiculous that 
is? I'm sure it was a simple matter of its farmer expelling it from the 
coop for...embezzling eggs.