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RE: [DL] Character Sheets in General

 >Speaking of such does anybody have any really good ways to keep track of
 >rations and spending without a lot of paperwork?  I have kinda resorted to
 >having a high level NPC be my parties benefactor just so I don't have to
 >deal with it that much.  It seems to work out ok for the most part but one
 >of these days i'm going to need to get them flat broke and fineing them for
 >weapons violations seems a bit silly when my posse could easily gun down
 >most of texas without reloading, or thinking....

Pretty much what was described above - I have Union green, Confed red, and 
gold and silver coins that I hand out to the players.
And I just tell them the costs of things, and they hand the money right 
back over.

Of course - depending on the region they are in, the Union and Confederacy 
currency may be very devalued.

And every once in a while, the gold or silver will be too.  :-)

Allan Seyberth
Deadlands fan site - http://www.darious.com/deadlands/index.html

Why did the chicken cross the road?

New Testament:
He among you who has not crossed roads, let him cast the first egg!