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[DL] The Hoplerman Cometh!

Two posts from the Deadlands forum:
(re: let's get John Hopler on the forum)

I think that's a great idea, seeing as how he's the brand manager and all. 
So starting, well, uh, now, I'll be around to answer questions and keep 
people informed about products.

For those of you who have been wondering where I've been:

No, I didn't die (although there have been times in the past few months 
when I wished I had). Basically I was really sick at the beginning of the 
year, then I had stomach surgery and my gall bladder removed (an 
interesting side of effect of the stomach surgery is that I can no longer 
burp, should make drinking at the conventions this summer challenging). 
Needless to say, this put me a little behind, and I've spent the last few 
months digging out from under. Things are pretty much caught up now, so 
I'll be back on the HOE listserv shortly.

John Hopler
HOE Brand Manager

(re: Shattered Coast, Waste Warriors, City o' Sin)

Yup, the Librarian's definitely have an agenda. They've also got some new 
toys to play with and a few powers that higher ranking members of the order 
can get.

Waste Warriors will have lots of new weapons and equipment. It also has the 
updated martial arts rules (including a few powers that weren't in 
hexarcana and rules for Sykers to learn ch'i powers), those rumored Syker 
powers, some new combat rules, and a bunch of other goodies I haven't 
finished writing yet.

I can't say much about City o' Sin yet. Not that there's anything top 
secret about it, I just haven't done much development work for it yet.

John Hopler
HOE Brand Manager